European Union, together to EU funds
Project title: JGL - Energy Efficient Society
Applicant: Jadran-Galenski laboratorij d.d.
The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund
Short description of the project
JGL is a company founded in 1991 as the first completely private pharmaceutical joint stock company in Croatia. According to its own formula of balance and sustainability, in 2015 the first and most extensive phase of the most important corporate strategic investment venture, the construction of Pharma Valley, was realized.
With the construction of Pharma Valley, the company has shown its efforts to set the highest standards of environmental protection, and at the same time this investment indicated that parts of the previous production plant can be significantly improved in terms of energy efficiency.
Therefore, the main PURPOSE of the project is to implement energy efficiency measures and measures for the use of RES in JGL's production facilities.
General goal
The general goal of the project is to reduce the use of electricity from the grid by investing and executing project activities while maintaining the same or higher level of production and at the same time increase the share of RES in the structure of energy sources.
The project directly and significantly contributes to the INDICATORS OF THE RESULTS OF THE CALL:
- Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption: According to the sum of indicators from the main projects, the share of energy produced from RES will increase by 29.18%
- Energy savings in manufacturing industries: In accordance with the sum of indicators from the main projects, the delivered energy from the grid will be reduced by 236,742.67 kWh / year
Total value of the project and the amount co-financed by the EU (in HRK):
- The total value of the investment is: HRK 4,020,117.31
- The part provided from the European Regional Development Fund is: HRK 2,514,426.58
Project implementation period (from - to):
- Implementation of the project begins 06-2017. years
- The deadline for completion of project implementation is: 03-2019.
Project title: JGL - Energy Efficient Company
Applicant: JGL d.d.
The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund
Contact person:
Goran Šarčević, technical coordinator of the project