The business year of 2011, in which the company confirmed its growth trend despite a particularly difficult economic situation due to which payment in the health sector was very problematic, and consumer purchasing power continued to drop, was sublimated recently within the fourth Sustainable Development Report. This is a type of report used to voluntarily inform the public on a regular basis about the achievements, activities and impacts of the company regarding its operations, the environment and the community. The report is an expression of social responsibility, while English sources also use another expression, accountability. The report is an indicator of awareness, self-awareness and responsibility of the company, and on the international level it is also recognized as a measure of its overall value.
Taking the above into account, with its fourth SDR JGL certainly shows the awareness of the strategic importance that sustainable development has, and by reporting about its economic, social and environmental indicators, it establishes communication with its employees, customers, clients, suppliers and the general public.
The company CEO, Ivo Usmiani stressed in its introduction that the new SDR, reporting on the year in which the company celebrated its 20th birthday, is primarily dedicated to the employees. The management board of the Commission of the Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development also issued an opinion about the Report.
"The Management Board of the Commission of the Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development concluded that JGL's Sustainable Development Report for 2011 met the requirements of the C level reporting of the Global Reporting Initiative, containing a large number of additional indicators which together provide a complete picture of the operations and effects in non-financial areas of operation.
When reading the report, a contemporary, well laid out and clear report layout is clear, as well as short, clear and unambiguous messages informing the reader of the main objectives, as well as of the company mission and vision.
The overview of the management and ownership structure in the company is also very thorough, providing a very clear picture. The introduction of results in corporate citizenship into the evaluation system of the Board deserves special praise, which places JGL at the very top of Croatian companies with respect to professionalism and management expertise in the company, which assumed the responsibility for applying the sustainable development principles. The policy towards employees, environmental management and relationships with the local community were determined as top-priority sustainability areas, and the results in this field were also the criteria for assessing the Board operation. Moreover, according to these top-priority objectives, the donor, volunteer and other activities of the company were also defined, and shown in detail."
The fourth JGL's SDR refers to a one-year business cycle (2011), and is based on the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), which includes reporting according to the principles of the Croatian UN Global Compact network. It is divided into three units - the first containing the organizational profile with mission, vision, values and strategic guidelines of the company, the second one representing the management structure of the organization, and cooperation with the stakeholders during 2011, and the third unit deals with the approach to the management and impact indicators per economic, social and environmental categories.